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Community and Court Interpreters of Ohio Bylaws
Updated December 2022



A. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Community and Court Interpreters of Ohio. Hereinafter the organization shall be referred to as CCIO.

B. Mission Statement

CCIO is organized to bring together the community of court interpreters in the state of Ohio; to advocate and promote the interpreting profession and the ethical and professional standards of interpreting; to provide a forum for discussion of interpreting issues among interpreters, agencies, organizations and individuals who contract for interpreting services; to share information amongst its membership and interested parties; to organize and conduct courses and workshops for training and continuing education of interpreters; to serve in an advisory capacity to interpreters, courts, attorneys, law enforcement, agencies and organizations who contract for interpreting services, and other businesses and groups regarding issues related to interpreters and interpreting.

C. Definition

The By-laws constitute the code of rules adopted by CCIO for the regulation and management of its affairs.


A. Qualifications

Membership is open to all persons and any organizations interested in the furtherance of the mission of CCIO.

B. Classifications

Membership shall consist of two categories: Active and Institutional. An active member may be any person engaged in interpreting and any person who shares the interests of CCIO. An institutional member may be any individual operating a private interpreting agency, a governmental agency, or any organization with an interest in the interpreting profession. Institutional membership shall be in the name of the organization and not its representative.

Membership applications shall be filed with the Board of Officers or CCIO.  The Board of Officers shall also collect all dues.  Membership dues shall be set by the current Board of Officers and be paid annually by each member. Any member who does not pay dues within thirty (30) days of receiving notice shall be assumed to have resigned from CCIO.

As institutional membership is in the name of the organization and not an individual, institutional members do not receive a vote.

C. Privileges

Each active member shall have access to a membership directory, as well as notification of conferences and workshops sponsored or co-sponsored by CCIO and of any and all meetings of the membership to be held by the CCIO Board.​ 


Each active member in good standing shall be allowed one vote in matters put before the body of CCIO by the Board of Officers.


D. Meetings

Any active member or board member may initiate a request​ for a membership meeting or gathering. The request shall be made in writing and presented to the CCIO Board. The CCIO Board will make a determination as to the date, time, and venue. Written notice of such membership meetings starting date, time, place and purpose shall be sent to each member by the Secretary not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

E. Special Meetings

The President of the Board of Officers or a majority of the Board may call a special meeting of the membership at any time. Written notice of such meetings stating date, time, place and purpose shall be sent to each member by the Secretary not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

No business other than that specified as the purpose in the notice of the special meeting shall be discussed or transacted at such meeting.

F. Quorum

A quorum for any special meeting shall be 20 voting members or 50% of the voting membership, whichever is less. If less than a quorum is present, the special meeting shall be adjourned, and the membership shall be advised of the revised meeting date, time and place.

G. Annual Financial Report

An annual report of CCIO’s finances shall be prepared by the Treasurer and distributed to all Board members and upon request to any active members.


A. Definition

The Board of Officers has ultimate fiduciary, legal and financial responsibility for CCIO. It must make certain that CCIO is preserved and perpetuated and that CCIO achieves and abides by its Mission Statement and Bylaws. The Board of Officers shall consist of at least four (4) but no more than seven (7) persons. The Officers of the Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board may select and appoint one (1) or more Advisors to serve as consultants for the Board.


B. Election and Term of Office

Elected Officers of the Board shall initially serve a two year term. The term will automatically renew unless an election is called.

Elections may be called by request of a special meeting of the membership, or by the CCIO Board should a position become vacant. Elections shall be held through secret mail ballot with each active member in good standing allowed one vote. Each position up for election on the Board of Officers will be filled by the candidate receiving the most votes.

C. Qualifications

A candidate for President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, shall be any active member of CCIO.

An Advisor may be any person the Board of Officers deems important to furthering the Mission of CCIO.  This includes, but is not limited to, any previous Officer of the Board. At least three (3) practicing interpreters shall serve on the Board of Officers at all times.

D. Responsibilities of Office

The President shall conduct all meetings of the full membership and assist with coordination of all CCIO activities.

The Vice President shall coordinate the activities of the Board of Officers, and attend all of its meetings.

The Secretary shall record, maintain and make available the minutes of all meetings of the full membership; shall maintain and make available a membership directory; shall record and share with the Board the minutes for all meetings of the Board of Officers.

The Treasurer shall collect and receive all fees and dues and coordinate fiscal activities of CCIO; sign all checks issued by CCIO; make an annual report of all receipts and disbursements and of the financial condition of CCIO.

An Advisor, when applicable, is a non-voting Officer of the Board who shall serve as a consultant to the Board.

E. Board Meetings

The Board of Officers shall meet as deemed necessary by the President and approved by the Board members.

F. Majority Consensus

A majority will constitute consensus of the Board of Officers.

G. Quorum

A quorum for any Board of Officers meeting shall be a majority of the Board. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, then the meeting shall be adjourned, and the Officers of the Board will be notified of the revised meeting time, date and place.

H. Resignation

An Officer of the Board may resign upon written notice given to the President effective as of the date specified therein.

I. Removal

Any Officer of the Board may be removed by a majority vote of the remaining Board for conduct contrary to the By-laws and Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities endorsed by CCIO.

J. Vacancies

Should a vacancy on the Board of Officers be created by death, resignation or removal, the Board shall appoint a member in good standing to fill the vacated seat until the next election.

K. Restrictions

No single expenditure shall be authorized in excess of USD $250.00 without the approval of the Board of Officers.

L. Committees

The Board of Officers may establish any necessary standing committees to manage specific functions of CCIO. The Board of Officers may establish special committees to manage specific events or functions not covered by the standing committees.


M. Conflict of Interest

All Officers of the Board shall abstain from voting on any matter where the Officer or their immediate family has a direct financial interest, whether personal or business. 

N.  Exemptions

Board members shall be exempt from paying for any registration fees associated with CCIO sponsored events. 



The Organization shall be dissolved upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all the members of CCIO taken at a special meeting called for such a purpose or by the written consent of three-fourths (3/4) of the members. The Board shall thereupon take such action as may be necessary to wind up the affairs of the Organization and to effect the termination of its existence. The Board shall distribute any property of the CCIO to such one or more organizations, trusts or foundations within Ohio, organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or scientific purposes conducive to public welfare.


These Bylaws may be amended, repealed or superseded, either in whole or in part, by a two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting at a regular or special meeting of the Board of Officers. The notice of such meeting shall not be less the ten (10) days prior to the meeting, and shall state that a change of the Bylaws is proposed and that copies of the changes shall be available upon request.

© 2018-2022 Community and Court Interpreters of Ohio 

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